October 14-15, 2022; Bucharest, Romania



The times in this program are as per Romanian time zone, that is the EET time https://time.is/EET !



Venue: Hybrid, Online (On Zoom) and at Casa Academiei Române, Calea 13 Septembrie nr 13, București, România, at ISMMA and INCE



P2.363, Room 1 (INCE, groundfloor, Intrarea Calea Rahovei 47-53, sala de marmura, aripa Vest)


P2.363, Room 2 (INCE, groundfloor, Intrarea Calea Rahovei 47-53, sala de marmura, aripa Vest)


Onicescu Council room (ISMMA, 4th floor)

P1.231 (INCE Council room)


Friday October 14, 2022


ZOOM connection information



 P2.363, Room 1




Meeting ID: 847 6342 0606

Passcode: 378503







Meeting ID: 893 8430 7247

Passcode: 569613



09:00-09:30 Opening Remarks and Welcome

Room: P2.363, Room 1



Chairman: Gheorghiță ZBĂGANU (ISMMA, Romania)
Room: P2.363, Room 1



Marius RĂDULESCU (ISMMA, Romania)
Limit of powers of matrices with applications to Markov chains
joint work with Sorin RĂDULESCU (Univ. of Craiova, Romania)



Alexandru AGAPIE (Bucharest Univ. of Economic Studies & ISMMA, Romania)
Key probability results used in the theory of evolution strategies
joint work with Luiza BĂDIN (Bucharest Univ. of Economic Studies & ISMMA, Romania), Ovidiu SOLOMON, Marius GIUCLEA (Bucharest Univ. of Economic Studies & Institute of Solid Mechanics, Romania)



Emmanuel LEPINETTE (Paris-Dauphine Univ., France)
Robust discrete-time super-hedging strategies under AIP condition and under price uncertainty
joint work with Meriem EL MANSOUR (Paris-Dauphine Univ., France)



Emmanouil-Nektarios KALLIGERIS (LMRS, France)
Dynamic stochastic modeling of time-series incidence data
joint work with Alex KARAGRIGORIOU (Univ. of the Aegean, Greece) and Christina PARPOULA (Panteion Univ. of Social and Political Sciences, Greece)


10:50-11:30 COFFEE BREAK



Chairman: Ionel POPESCU (Univ. of Bucharest & IMAR, Romania)
Room: Onicescu



Marian NECULA (Bucharest Univ. of Economic Studies, Romania)
Current advances in spatial thresholding techniques with applications in remote sensing data



Alexandra ANDRICIUC (Univ. of Bucharest & IMAR, Romania)
Stagnation analysis for the particle swarm optimization algorithm
joint work with Ionel POPESCU, Iulian CÎMPEAN (Univ. of Bucharest & IMAR, Romania)



Mihaela-Adriana NISTOR (Univ. of Bucharest, Romania)
Risk measures

joint work with Ionel POPESCU (Univ. of Bucharest & IMAR, Romania)


Ionel POPESCU (Univ. of Bucharest & IMAR, Romania)
Fragility of limiting distributions for a learning model
joint work with Tushar VAIDYA (Nanyang Technological Univ. Singapore, Singapore)



Chairman: Marius RĂDULESCU (ISMMA, Romania) and Emmanouil-Nektarios KALLIGERIS (LMRS, France)
Room:  P2.363, Room 1



Luigi-Ionuț CATANĂ (Univ. of Bucharest, Romania)
Application of order statistics in the study of earthquakes
joint work with Vasile PREDA (ISMMA & INCE & Univ. of Bucharest, Romania)



dsmmR: Estimation and simulation of Drifting Semi-Markov Models
joint work with Vlad Stefan BARBU, Nicolas VERGNE (LMRS, France)



Fatiha MOKHTARI (Univ. Dr. Moulay Tahar of Saïda, Algeria)
Limit laws and strong consistency of non parametric estimators for the main characteristics of continuous-time finite space semi Markov processes
joint work with Chafiàa AYHAR, Saâdia RAHMANI (Univ. Dr. Moulay Tahar of Saïda, Algeria), Vlad Stefan BARBU (LMRS, France)



Daniel CIUIU (Technical Univ. of Civil Engineering of Bucharest & INCE, Romania)

Monte Carlo methods to solve linear programming problems and applications to engineering: MADM in linear programming

joint work with Cristian ANGHEL, Cornel ILINCA (Technical Univ. of Civil Engineering of Bucharest, Romania)


SESSION 2C: Demography 1

Chairman: Carmen GHEORGHE (INCE)

Room: P2.363, Room 2



Florin Marius PAVELESCU (Institute of National Economy, Romania)
A proposal for the generalization of Onicescu Informational Energy



Răzvan VASILE (INCE & School of Advanced Studies of the Romanian Academy, Romania)
Main determinants of the sustainable digital transformation of the labour force. Qualitative assessment based on a scientometric analysis



Valentina VASILE (Institute of National Economy, Romania)
Demographic differences in self-review at the Romanian Population Census. Statistical analysis of preliminary results
joint work with Raluca MAZILESCU (Institute of National Economy, Romania), Ana-Maria CIUHU (Institute of National Economy, National Institute of Statistics, Romania)



Steliana RODINO (Institute of Research for Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, National Institute of Research and Development for Biological Sciences)
A system dynamics approach for shared socio-economic pathways on Danube mouths region
joint work with Ruxandra POP (Institute of Research for Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, Romania), Luminița LAZĂR (National Institute for Marine Research and Development "Grigore Antipa", Romania)

SESSION 2D: Renewable energy

Chairman: Jean Vasile ANDREI (Faculty of Economic Sciences, Petroleum-Gas Univ. of Ploiești, Romania)

Room: P1.231



Dorin JULA (IPE, Ecological Univ. of Bucharest, Romania)
Population dynamics and the evolution of energy consumption. Cliometric analysis
joint work with Diana Mihaela JULA (School of Advanced Studies of the Romanian Academy, Romania)



Jean Vasile ANDREI (Faculty of Economic Sciences, Petroleum-Gas Univ. of Ploiești, Romania)
An empirical analysis of factors influencing buying electric and hybrid cars in European Union: assessing the buyers’ willingness
joint work with Silvius STANCIU (Dunărea de Jos Univ. of Galați, Romania), Violeta SIMA (Faculty of Economic Sciences, Petroleum-Gas Univ. of Ploiești), Ileana Georgiana GHEORGHE (Faculty of Economic Sciences, Petroleum-Gas Univ. of Ploiești, Romania)



Gheorghe Dan ISBASOIU (Faculty of Economic Sciences, Petroleum-Gas Univ. of Ploiești, Romania)
Methods of choosing renewable energy classes
joint work with Irina Gabriela RĂDULESCU (Petroleum-Gas Univ. of Ploiești, Faculty of Economic Sciences, Romania), Andrei Marcel MANOLE (Valahia University, Doctoral School Economics, Romania), Mihai MIEILA (Valahia Univ., Faculty of Economic Sciences, Romania)


13:00-15:00 LUNCH


Chairman: Lucian BEZNEA (Univ. of Bucharest & "Simion Stoilow" Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy, Romania)
Room: P2.363, Room 1



Lucian BEZNEA (Univ. of Bucharest & "Simion Stoilow" Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy, Romania)
Multiple-fragmentation stochastic processes driven by a spatial flow
joint work with Ioan R. Ionescu (Univ. Sorbonne-Paris-Cité, France) and Oana LUPAŞCU STAMATE (ISMMA, Bucharest)



Iulian CÎMPEAN (Univ. of Bucharest & IMAR, Romania)
Ergodicity of Markov semigroups and application to singular SDEs on Hilbert spaces



Ionut BEBU (George Washington Univ., USA)
Personalized screening schedules for a chronic disease with application to diabetic nephropathy



Radu CRAIU (Univ. of Toronto, Canada)
General behaviour of p-values under the null and alternative

joint work with Yanbo TANG (Imperial College, UK) and Lei SUN (Univ. of Toronto, Canada)

16:20-17:00 COFFEE BREAK


SESSION 3B: Demography 2

Chairman: Carmen GHEORGHE (INCE)

Room: P2.363, Room 2




Corina CIPU (Department of Applied Mathematics & CiTi, Faculty of Applied Sciences,  Univ. Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania)
Hybrid statistical models using evolutive algorithms or machine learning for demographic processes
joint work with Emil SIMION (Department of Mathematical Methods and Models & CiTi, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Univ. Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania)



Ion GHIZDEANU (Centre for Demographic Research "Vladimir Trebici", Romania)
The change of the population forecasting models and methodologies – a requirement to increase the circulation of contingents
joint work with Sorin AVRAM, Alexandru SIN SCHNEIDER (Centre for Demographic Research "Vladimir Trebici" & School of Advanced Studies of the Romanian Academy, Romania) and Costin Adrian CACE (Centre for Demographic Research "Vladimir Trebici", Romania)



Mihaela-Georgiana OPREA (Centre for Demographic Research "Vladimir Trebici" & School of Advanced Studies of the Romanian Academy, Romania)
Main features of the migration phenomenon among women
joint work with Carmen GHEORGHE (Centre for Demographic Research "Vladimir Trebici" & School of Advanced Studies of the Romanian Academy, Romania), Mihaela-Irma VLĂDESCU, Alina RĂDOI and Ionut GÂF DEAC (Centre for Demographic Research "Vladimir Trebici", Romania)



Grigore–Teodor SAMOILĂ (School of Advanced Studies of the Romanian Academy, Romania)
Testing the dependence of the average value of household expenditure on culture on the level of final household consumption, government expenditure and newly created value in the culture sector
joint work with Carmen GHEORGHE (INCE, Romania)



Chairman: Vasile PREDA (ISMMA, Nat. Inst. for Ec. Res. INCE & Univ. of Bucharest, Romania) and Emmanouil-Nektarios KALLIGERIS (LMRS, France)
Room: P2.363, Room 1



Luiza BĂDIN (Bucharest Univ. of Economic Studies & ISMMA, Romania)
Performance assessment of the Italian healthcare system using conditional nonparametric efficiency models joint work with Camilla MASTROMARCO (Univ. of Calabria, Italy) and Raffaele LAGRAVINESE (Univ. of Bari Aldo Moro, Italy)



Adina OPRIȘAN (New Mexico State University, USA)
Limit theorems for functionals of semi-Markov processes



Iuliana-Florentina IATAN (Technical Univ. of Civil Engineering of Bucharest, Romania)
Statistical modeling using Petri networks
joint work with Ion MIERLUȘ-MAZILU, Romică TRANDAFIR (Technical Univ. of Civil Engineering of Bucharest, Romania) and Mihăiță DRĂGAN (Univ. of Bucharest, Romania)


SESSION 4B: Demography 3

Chairman: Carmen GHEORGHE (INCE)

Room: P2.363, Room 2



Ada ALBU (INCE, Romania)
A stochastic model for the analysis of the public debt



Sanda ROȘCA (Department of Physical and Technical Geography, Faculty of Geography, Babes Bolyai Univ., Romania)
Delphi algorithm approach for multirisk assessment in protected natural areas from Romania
joint work with Sorin AVRAM (INCA, Department of Geography, Univ. of Craiova, Romania), Carmen GHEORGHE (INCE, Romania)



Adrian-Radu REY (School for Advanced Studies of the Romanian Academy & Mountain Economy Centre "CE-MONT" & INCE, Romania)
Aspirations and priorities of young people for the future of mountain areas in Europe
joint work with Laura Giorgiana ANGHEL (School of Advanced Studies of the Romanian Academy, Romania), Luminița CHIVU (INCE, Romania)

Saturday October 15, 2022


ZOOM connection information


P2.363, Room 1




Meeting ID: 856 4562 7189

Passcode: 642794






Meeting ID: 815 9374 6358

Passcode: 198447



Chairman: Vlad Stefan BARBU (LMRS, Univ. of Rouen–Normandy, France)
Room: P2.363, Room 1



Ciprian TUDOR (Univ. of Lille, France)
Exact variation and drift parameter estimation for the nonlinear fractional stochastic heat equation
joint work with Julie GAMAIN (Univ. of Lille)



Aida TOMA (Bucharest Univ. of Economic Studies & ISMMA, Romania)
Robust estimators for moment condition models
joint work with Amor KEZIOU (Univ. of Reims, France), Luiza BĂDIN (Bucharest Univ. of Economic Studies & ISMMA, Romania), Silvia DEDU (Bucharest Univ. of Economic Studies, Romania)



Florentina SUTER (Univ. of Bucharest & ISMMA, Romania)
Dynamic information measures for the concomitants of order statistics



Maria LONGOBARDI (Univ. degli Studi di Napoli FEDERICO II, Italy)
Entropy: a useful unified formulation
joint work with Narayanaswamy BALAKRISHNAN (McMaster Univ., Canada) and Francesco BUONO (Univ. degli Studi di Napoli FEDERICO II, Italy)



Chairman: Gheorghiță ZBĂGANU (ISMMA, Romania) and Emmanouil-Nektarios KALLIGERIS (LMRS, France)
Room: Onicescu



Christina PARPOULA (Panteion Univ. of Social and Political Sciences, Greece)
Change-point analysis for Public Health surveillance and decision-making
joint work with Alex KARAGRIGORIOU (Univ. of the Aegean, Greece)



Vlad Raul CONSTANTINESCU (Univ. of Bucharest & ISMMA, Romania)
Global minima of overparametrized neural networks
joint work with Ionel POPESCU (Univ. of Bucharest & IMAR, Romania)



Manuela-Simona COJOCEA (Univ. of Bucharest, Romania)
A new Central Limit Theorem using Kolmogorov means for a particular class of random variables



Eugen PIRCALABELU (UC Louvain, Institute of Statistics, Biostatistics and Actuarial Sciences, LIDAM, Belgium)
Linear manifold modelling and graph estimation based on multivariate functional data with different coarseness scales
joint work with Gerda CLAESKENS (KU Leuven, ORSTAT and Leuven Statistics Research Center, Belgium)


10:30-11:00 COFFEE BREAK


Chairman: Mihaela PRICOP-JECKSTADT (Univ. Politehnica of Bucarest, Romania)
Room: P2.363, Room 1



Arefe ASADI (Univ. of Technology of Troyes, France)
Depth function for degradation modelling
joint work with Mitra FOULADIRAD (École Centrale Marseille, France)



Chafiàa AYHAR (Univ. Dr. Moulay Tahar of Saïda, Algeria)
Nonparametric estimation of some important reliability indicators for semi-Markov processes
joint work with Vlad Stefan BARBU (LMRS, France), Fatiha MOKHTARI, Saâdia RAHMANI (Univ. Dr. Moulay Tahar of Saïda, Algeria)



Guglielmo D'AMICO (Univ. "G. d'Annunzio" of Chieti-Pescara, Italy)
ROCOF of higher order for semi-Markov processes
joint work with Filippo PETRONI (Marche Polytechnic Univ. of Ancona, Italy)



Andreas MAKRIDES (Univ. of Cyprus & Univ. of the Aegean, Greece)

A financial view of semi-Markov modeling
joint work with Christos MESELIDIS and Alex KARAGRIGORIOU (Univ. of the Aegean, Greece)



Gheorghiță ZBĂGANU (ISMMA, Romania)
Making tops: what is the chance to get a leader?

joint work with Anișoara Maria Răducan (ISMMA, Romania)



Mihaela PRICOP-JECKSTADT (Univ. Politehnica of Bucarest, Romania)
Functional data analysis with indirect observations


13:00-15:00 LUNCH


Chairman: Răzvan-Cornel SFETCU (Univ. of Bucharest, Romania)
Room: P2.363, Room 1





Răzvan-Cornel SFETCU (Univ. of Bucharest, Romania)
Divergences between probability measures
joint work with Sorina-Cezarina SFETCU (Univ. of Bucharest, Romania) and Vasile PREDA (ISMMA & INCE & Univ. of Bucharest, Romania)



Iulia Elena HIRICĂ (Univ. of Bucharest, Romania)

Applications of Lie symmetries associated to nonlinear Fokker-Planck equation based on different weighted entropies

joint work with Gabriel Teodor PRIPOAE (Univ. of Bucharest, Romania), Cristina-Liliana PRIPOAE (Bucharest Univ. of Economic Studies, Romania) and Vasile PREDA (ISMMA & INCE & Univ. of Bucharest, Romania)



Costel BĂLCĂU (Univ. of Pitești, Romania)
Interval weighted cumulative residual entropy for generalized pareto distributions
joint work with Doru CONSTANTIN (Univ. of Pitești, Romania)



Florentin ȘERBAN (Bucharest Univ. of Economic Studies & Univ. of Bucharest, Romania)
Optimal reinsurance models in a dynamic framework


Room: P2.363, Room 1


16:00 Discussions for the future of StatMod conferences


Closing of the Workshop



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